Maintaining your body’s natural sleep cycle, also known as your circadian rhythm, is one of the most important strategies for getting a better night’s sleep. A regular sleep-wake schedule will help you feel more refreshed and energized than going to bed at different times every night - even by just an hour or two - no matter if you are getting the same number of hours of sleep.
Most people need about 7.1 hours of sleep every night to feel their best, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Use the guidance below to help you understand your body’s sleep/wake sync and establish good practices to maintain it.
Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. The easiest way to help maintain your circadian rhythm is consistently going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Your bedtime should be when you normally feel tired in the evening and can easily fall asleep. An important indicator is your ability to wake up naturally the next day. If you continually need an alarm clock to wake up, that is your body’s way of telling you an earlier bedtime is needed.
Don’t sleep in, even if it’s the weekend. When your sleep schedule varies drastically from weekdays to weekends, you are more likely to experience jet lag-like symptoms throughout the week. Rather than sleeping late to make up for a late weekend night, take a short nap the next day to help catch up without affecting your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle.
Be a smart napper. If you have difficulties falling or staying asleep at night, daytime napping may be having an impact. While 15- to 20-minute naps are a great way to compensate for lost sleep, you should avoid napping after 3:00 p.m. as it can make it harder to fall asleep at your regular bedtime.
Fight off the after-dinner fatigue. If you feel drowsy ahead of your regular bedtime, try a mildly stimulating activity to help keep you awake. Washing the dishes, talking to a friend or prepping for the next day can help you combat drowsiness until it’s bedtime. Dozing off early may lead to waking up in the middle of the night and having trouble falling back asleep.
Find time to wind down. Once you know your ideal sleep/wake schedule, a relaxation routine such as reading a book or listening to soft music should be essential to getting ready for bed. Giving your mind and body this time to relax will help you fall asleep quicker.
Take a bedtime bath or shower. The drop in core body temperature you experience after getting out of a warm bath or shower signals your body that it’s time for bed. For maximum effect, schedule bathing one to two hours before your regular bedtime.
If you can’t sleep, don’t stay in bed. Though it may sound counterproductive, get up if you are still awake after trying to fall asleep for more than 20 minutes. Finding a quiet, relaxing activity, such as reading a book or taking a walk around the house, gives your body additional wind-down time. Laying in bed thinking about being awake can make it more difficult to fall asleep.
Internal reasons for sleeplessness are primarily caused by our own mental factors.
If you continually feel like you can’t shut off your mind at night when trying to sleep, you are not alone. Mental factors, such as stress, anxiety or other worries, can directly impact your ability to fall asleep at night. That is why experts have come up with various strategies to include in your bedtime routines to help fight off the effects of a racing mind and to let you get a restful night’s sleep.
Strategy #1
The first way you can work on minimizing racing thoughts at night is to actually write down those thoughts. This allows you to clear your mind and avoid letting those thoughts build up and affect your ability to get to sleep. You should also be sure to use a pen and paper (or a journal) to help limit screen time at night.
Strategy #2:
Apart from avoiding screen time, experts also recommend avoiding excess time on screen, especially your phone, during the day. Set specific times to check your phone throughout the day. Doing so can help you stay focused and limit the number of tasks you have on your mind, thus letting you feel calmer in the time leading up to your bedtime.
Strategy #3:
The last way to help minimize the internal factors of sleeplessness is to partake in various relaxation or stress management techniques before going to bed. Practicing these kinds of techniques can help limit the anxiety and worry you may be feeling before falling asleep. Try things such as meditation, mindfulness or yoga, as they have been proven to minimize internal feelings of stress.
When to see a doctor
If you continue to have trouble sleeping, it may be time to speak with a doctor. Your doctor or sleep specialists should be able to help you determine the causes of your sleeplessness as well as help you rule out other health or psychiatric issues that may be affecting your ability to sleep.
To help you start a conversation with your doctor about your sleep, try asking one of these questions:
1. Why am I more awake at night than I am during the day?
2. Would seeing a sleep specialist help?
3. Are there any medications that I can consider using as a sleep aid?
4. Is a sleep study needed?
5. Do you have any resources that you can provide me to help improve my sleep hygiene?